Greenville Foster Home

Zackary Nelson 'Zac'
Zac is a 13 year old boy with black hair and blue eyes. He lost his parents when they went out to a concert and he couldn't find them and at the end of the concert he found them lying together on the ground, a trickle of blood streaming from their mouths. His relatives didn't want he so he was dumped here until someone takes pity on him. He is funny if you can get him to stop sulking and all he wants is to find a family who cares about him. His best friend is his pet falcon, Crag.

Jade Roberts
Jade is a 15 year old girl with green hair and green eyes, her wolves are Shadow and Twilight. Her mother died when she was 3 and her father died of cancer when she was 11. She stayed with her grandmother before she died from old age when Jade was 13. She loves her pets with her life, since that is all she has left.

Lauren Sharp
 Lauren is a 17 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, her dragon's name is Frostbite. She is funny, easy-going, and caring. Her dragon is her best friend and without her she would always be sad, Frostbite is her last token for her father. Her father and her trained dragons, and Frostbite was the first dragon she bonded with. Lauren loves her dragon with her life and she has a special bond with her. Lauren's sunny mood can only be ruined if someone brings up her parents.

Mai Stone
 Mai is a 13 year old girl with black hair and green eyes. Her mother died while giving birth to her, because her family didn't have enough money for a car and couldn't drive her to a hospital. Her father left her on the steps of Grenville Foster Home. Mai is funny, sweet, and caring. She loves everything about life, and tries to always look on the bright side, despite her past. She has never known her parents, and wants nothing more then a full, healthy life.

Emma Wright
Emma is a 10 year old girl with purple hair and brown eyes, her tiger is called Angel. She had an older brother, but he was adopted 3 months ago. She got over the loss of her sibling quickly and she loves being with animals, especially her white tiger. She is good friends with everyone, well except Zac. Emma dreams of getting adopted every night.

Alexei Lishin
 Born with red hair and green eyes, Alexei prefers to dye it black most of the time. Parents are unknown, and was left mysteriously at Grenville Foster Home's door steps. Although he may look shady at times, Alexei is very much a worry-wart and dotes on his best friend and companion wolf, Ivan, a lot. Alexei likes to spend his time either reading or drawing, and loves to listen to other foreign country bands.

Hazel Frost
 Hazel is a 9 year old girl with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She and her older brother fled from a house fire and got lost in the woods. They finally made it out and found that their parents had died. She is sweet, shy, and quiet. She likes to keep to herself, and is terrified of any sort of flame. Her older brother is Drew.

Drew Frost
Drew is a very handsome 15 year old boy with brown hair and light blue eyes. He and his younger sister fled from a house fire and got lost in the woods. They finally made it out and found that their parents had died. He finds it hard to warm up to people, but when he does, he is loud, proud, and courageous. He likes to be in the center of attention, but he usually tries to get attention by getting into fights. He is fiercely protective of his little sister, Hazel, and will kill anyone to save her life.

 Leah Ryder

Leah is a tall, willowy seventeen year old girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She's quiet, a little shy, but very kind, with a big heart. She's compassionate and often puts others before herself. She can be clumsy, but moves with a kind of grace. She has an aura of sadness about her because of the deaths of her parents. She's good with kids and loves her cat Blue dearly because she's the one thing left from her past.

Aaron Ink
Aaron is a tall fifteen year old boy with carrot-red hair and brown eyes. He's mischievous, a little snarky, and rather wry. He isn't often serious and can be cocky, but underneath, he has a sharp mind and is very smart. Aaron can be a little mean and prickly, but he does, in fact, have a soft side. He likes to draw and carries a sketchpad wherever he goes. Nothing is known about his past, and Aaron Ink is not his real name.

Blake and Loki
 Blake is a light brown haired boy with brown eyes and Loki is a grey haired boy with brown eyes. As a kid Loki was beaten by his father who hated them so much her abandoned him. Loki got his scar over his eye when his dad threw a beer bottle at him and his wrist is so scarred and ugly he can't use it. Blake was always there to help Loki back up and get him away from his father. They ran away and found the foster home to take refuge in.

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