Friday, May 4, 2012

The New Kids

Zackary sat on the tan couch and stroked Crag. He heard a loud knock at the door. Mrs. Greenwich ran to the door and Zackary turned to watch. She opened the door and there were a man and woman, arms linked.
"Good Morning! Welcome to the Greenville Foster Home, How can I help you?" Mrs.Greenwich launched into the formalities. The woman smiled,
"I'm Carol and this is Joseph, may we come in?" Mrs.Greenwich nodded and let them in. Jade walked in from the kitchen, Shadow and Twilight in her wake. Carol yelped in surprise and asked,
"Why are those in here?"
"Because we allow exotic pets, one of our special characteristics that get us so many visitors." Mrs.Greenwich explained and led the couple into an office. Jade sat next to Zackary and said,
"Who do you bet on this time, Zac?"
"Emma, definitely Emma and Angel." Zac said.
"I think you are right for once." Jade laughed. Zac only nodded. The other foster kids tromped down the stairs, first Lauren and Frostbite, then Alexei and Ivan, then Emma and Angel, finally Mai, Petal, Pyro, Mystic, and Fog. They asked,
"Who's here?"
"A couple, Carol and Joseph." Jade explained and petted Twilight's snowy white fur as Shadow sat on her, obviously to large for her small lap. Twilight yipped happily to Ivan and nuzzled his golden fur in greeting. Angel chuffed eagerly as Mai's cats weaved through her large white paws.
"No! These kids are just weird!" A female voice rang from the office. Carol stormed from the office dragging Joseph with her. Mrs.Greenwich called,
"They aren't weird, just different!" She sighed and turned to the kids gathered on the couch.
"Why are we weird?" asked Mai curiously.
"Your pets apparently make you weird." She gave a weak smile and turned back to her office.


A knock thundered through the night and Emma whimpered in fear. Mai got up from her warm and cozy bed and said gently,
"Don't be scared little one." Mai took Emma's hand and walked down the stairs, Lauren in their wake. Alexei and Zac ran, more like tripped, down the stairs from the boys dorm. Mrs.Greenwich was at the door, she opened it wide. A man is a suit was there, with two kids.
"I'm special agent Kent Kingsley, FBI. These children recently lost their parents and are now part of the Greenville Foster Home. Thank you and have a good night." Agent Kingsley shoved the kids inside, out of the pitch black rain and slammed the door. You could hear the squeal of his tires as he sped away from the large and well furnished Foster Home. The little girl was crying and the older boy, presumably her brother, was clutching her tight. A small bark came from behind them and a beagle with a blue ribbon on it's ear cuddled the young girls legs. A black wolf was standing by the boy. The boy said,
"I'm Drew Frost. My sister is Hazel and her beagle is Rose. My wolf is Jet." Mrs.Greenwich hurried the sodden kids away and ordered the other foster kids back to bed, so they trudged upstairs and curled up in bed like nothing had happened.


 The sun rose and the foster kids ran downstairs for breakfast, and there stood Drew and Hazel with Mrs.Greenwich, waiting for her to finish the pancakes.


  1. Lauren stood there awkwardly, Frostbite perched on her mildly tan shoulder.

    Emma said, "So...."

  2. Alexei stood in the doorway, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Ivan followed, though much more awake, and peered around Alexei to see the new kids.

  3. Zac stumbled down the stairs and almost fell on Ivan, but instead petted his soft gold fur.

    Jade sat down in one of the tall stools at the bar with a plate, Shadow and Twilight begging at her feet.

  4. Alexei moved forward, raising a hand lazily in greeting before going forward and getting on one of the seats, getting ready to eat.
    Ivan twitched his ear, noting Zac's touch, and made a pleased rumble in his throat at the petting.

  5. Mai stepped down the stairs. Her four cats trailed after her. Pyro leapt up onto her shoulder, and Petal brushed up against her legs. Mystic and Fog, the siblings, walked beside each other next to Mai, giving themselves space from the humans, but still being friendly. Mai smiled at Zac, but her face fell when she saw the falcon. She narrowed her eyes and took a step away from him. Her cats followed, hissing at the large bird. She gave the boy a mixed expression, partly a blush and partly a 'stay away from my pets' kind of look.

    Drew surveyed the other kids, resting his hand protectively on his sister's shoulder. He blinked at Alexei and narrowed his eyes.

    Hazel stared at Emma's giant tiger. She gulped and stepped closer to her brother, noticing that they were staying far away from the others.

  6. Emma walked over to Hazel and burst into friendly conversation.
    "This is Angel my tiger. I'm Emma, don't worry Angel wont bite, I trained her myself. She doesn't even attack Zac's falcon anymore!"
    Angel chuffed happily and rubbed against Hazel's hand, wanting to be petted.

    Jade smiled at Mai and scooped up Petal, scratching her chin. She placed teh soft cat down and turned to Shadow, knowing her liked to taunt the cats. "No." she said sternly.
    Shadow whined, but shut up when Twilight nipped his ear.

    Zac smiled and said, "Good boy." He put out his arm for Crag to land and gave the falcon a stern warning. "Leave the cats alone."
    Crag cawed in protest and flew over to the cabinets, perched on the cherry wood.

    Lauren walked over to Jade and sat on the stool beside her.
    Frostbite settled on the table in front of Lauren, guarding her.

  7. Alexei started to eat, but paused at the feeling of eyes and looked behind himself. He raised an eyebrow, wondering why the other boy would look almost hostile at him. "Unless your planning to stand there all day, do come and sit and eat." He called out.

  8. Hazel stared at the loud girl. She glanced up at drew questioningly.

    Drew shrugged to Hazel.

    Hazel turned back to the girl. "Hi." She said simply.

    Mai smiled back at Jade and turned away from Zac. She sat down beside her friend and pet Shadow and Twilight.
    Petal purred and rubbed up against Jade. Pyro jumped off Mai's shoulder.

  9. Jade smiled and drenched her pancakes in syrup, stuffing her face.

    Emma shut her mouth and said, "I'm sorry."

  10. Mai joined Jade more carefully, sitting down lightly and feeding her cats before she, herself, ate.

    Hazel stood there with her mouth open.

    Drew pushed Hazel forward a bit. "It's okay." He said to Emma. "We're just not used to being around so many people yet."

  11. Emma's eyes lit up happily. "Oh, I thought I had bothered you. Hazel, do you want a tour of the house?" She gave her a bright smile.

    Jade finished her pancakes, pushed her plate forward and said, "Twilight, Shadow, time for breakfast!" She walked over to the fridge and pulled out two juicy steaks. She threw one in each of their bowls and pet her wolves as they tore apart the meat.

    Lauren served herself some pancakes and ate they quickly. She nodded to everyone else and slipped one her sneakers. She stepped outside and the other kids could hear the yelp of a confused deer as Frostbite went to get breakfast.

    Zac tossed a strip of pancake up to Crag and he ate it gratefully. He sat down and ate his pancakes, looking warily at Drew.

  12. "Um, sure." Hazel managed to smiled back.

    Mai avioded the wolves as juice flew everywhere, her cats following her. She went over to the living area, and chose a book from the bookshelf. She sat down and began to read.
    Petal jumped onto one of Mai's shoulders, while Mystic took the other. Pyro and Fog play-fought at Mai's feet.

    Drew sat down. He was about to bite into pancakes when he sensed someone watching him. He looked up and glared at Zac, then turned away again and watched his sister carefully as he ate.

  13. Emma stroked Angel and walked to the living room, "Here is the living room and the most comfortable couch ever." She went to the dinning room, "we eat here on Christmas, birthdays, or thanksgiving."

    Zac tore his eyes away and ate his pancakes.

  14. "Ok." Hazel nodded.

    Mai glanced up from her book and her eyes met Zac's. She blushed and hid her head with her book again.

  15. Emma grinned and led her upstairs to the dorms, "Left, girls. Right, boys." She gestured.

    Zac smiled shyly at her and tossed his plate in the sink. Crag flew onto his shoulder and he flopped onto the couch next to Mai.

  16. "Where's my room?" Hazel asked quietly.

    "Well, hello there." Mai said. "It seems that you like suttle entrances. Not." She placed her book on the side table.

  17. "Me? Subtle?! Haha, If only." Zac laughed.

    Emma smiled and opened a pink door to a purple room with white trim, One side had posters, pictures, and drawings; the other was bare. " You are with me. The postery side is mine, the empty one is your. feel free to decorate it as much as you want."

  18. Mai smiled a bit, then picked up Pyro. "This is Pyro." She said to Zac. She stroked the black tom sweetly.
    Pyro sniffed the boy curiously. He looked up, then nuzzled the boy's arm, marking his territory.

    "Ok." Hazel said. She lay her suitcase on the bed and pulled out one more set of clothes. She placed it in her dresser. Then she pulled out one single picture frame. She set it on her desk, kissing her index and middle finger, then setting them on the picture. She sighed, then put her suitcase under the bed and called to Rose.

  19. Zac smiled and set Crag down on the back of the couch. He stroked the cat lightly as it nuzzled him.
    Crag gave a shrill call. Why was that feline getting the attention. The falcon huffed and flapped to sit on the bookshelf.

    Emma flopped onto her bed.
    Angel snuggled up to Emma and playfully growled as she rolled onto her owners legs, swatting at her hands.

  20. Mai watched the bird carefully, then turned back to Zac and her cats. She called Petal to her, then stroked her gently.
    Petal purred, settling down in Mai's lap.
    Pyro also purred. He jumped up onto the boy's shoulders and sat on his left one, dangling his ginger striped tail down the boy's back.

    Hazel walked over to Emma. "May I please borrow a book to read?"

  21. Zac laughed and scratched Pyro under his chin, then between his ears.

    Emma struggled out from under Angel and pinted to the bookshelf. "The ones on the top shelf are my favorites, you should try them. I love fantasy and sci-fi!"

  22. "Ok." Hazel selected a book and sat down with it.

  23. "Which one did you pick?" Emma asked a she picked up Warriors: Night Whisperers from he bedside table.

  24. Hazel shrugged. "Just any one."

  25. "hmm." Emma nodded; she was engrossed in her book.

    Zac grinned and called to Crag. The bird flew to him arm.
    Crag trilled and hopped onto Mai's head and pecked her humorously.

    Lauren stepped inside and kicked off her shoes. She went to the kitchen and sat by Drew. "Hey." She said carefully.

    Jade pet her wolves and thundered up the stairs, not before petting Alexei's head while laughing.

  26. "Ow!" Mai stood up abruptly, shaking the bird away from her. "Your bird is so annoying, Zac! I can't believe Mrs. Greenwich let you bring that thing in here!" She breathed in deeply, then relaxed her shoulders. "I'm going to my room. Come, kitties." She walked to her room, and started to change into running clothes.
    Pyro led the four cats to the room. He jumped onto the cat tower. Petal followed, and they sat side by side, swinging their tails in time to each other. Mystic padded up to the kitty lookout post and surveyed the room. Fog padded onto the spare bed, dedicated to the cats, and settled down.

    "Hello." Drew said curtly.
    Jet stared at Frostbite. What was that creature?

  27. Zac sighed and glared at his childhood friend. He shoved Crag from his shoulder and yelled, "I hate you!" to the bird.

  28. Frostbite trilled a happy greeting in dragon tongue and landed gently on Jets head, staking her territory.
